Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lancome Genefique

OK, now onto skin care.

Looking for a new product to use on my skin, I approached the super friendly skin care expert, Robin, who works at Edgars.

What I was looking for:

Something to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and give my skin and over all better appearance.

What she sold me:

Lancome Genefique

At R500 a little bottle, this product is quite pricey and I was very sceptical. It is highly concentrated, and a little goes a long way.

Robin promised me that within in ten days I would see visible results.

So, for ten days I actually managed to take photos of myself. And documented the results. You can decide for yourself.

(These pics were taken first thing in the morning, with NO MAKEUP) Eeeek!


I definately did see visible results with this product.

The overall appearance of my skin improved, getting an inner "glow". The tone also improved. HOWEVER. I did not see any improvement of fine lines.

I spotted the rep for this product in store and asked her a couple of questions.

She said that this product will lessen the signs of fine lines, but should be used in conjunction with the eye-serum, as well as another product. At R500 each, that totals R1500 for the skin care products. Which may last up to three months.

Personally, I can't imagine that these products would actually make the fine lines disappear, so would stick to ONLY this serum (gives a good glow) and use a filler or botox for the wrinkles. Sorry if thats an unorthodox response, but they WORK. 100% guaranteed. I still have to try a chemical peel. Believe the outcome is also fantastic.

Will keep you posted!

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