Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Teeth Whitening - Contrast PM Plus 20%

I went to the dentist for a checkup and he suggested that I do teeth whitening.

He sent me home with a self-whitening kit with a custom fit mouth piece. Product: Contrast PM Plus 20%. Cost: R1500.

I was sent home with 4 syringes of whitening gel and told to use half a syringe of the gel for the first night, and then the other half the second night. And repeat.

After night one I could not see much of a difference. I had piercing pains of my teeth for the first couple of minutes but managed to get through them, and they subsided (I think there may be a numbing ingredient in the gel).

The next day I used the other half of the syringe for 2 1/2 hours. The pain was really severe. After I took out the mouth-piece and rinsed my mouth, my teeth started aching and paining to such an extent that I couldn't talk and was feeling in dire need of a hard-core painkiller. I don't take meds, so had to bare it. By the following morning, the pain had subsided, but for about a week following that I had tooth sensitivity.

I can notice a difference, but I am not yet satisfied. Ideally I should use another syringe. But for the first time in my life, I have to say that..

Beauty is NOT worth the PAIN of using this product.

I will have to see if I can save up for the light bleaching method used in-office at the dentist (cost R4000) and whether I have to pay that in addition to this home bleach method.

Some other irks:

The actually teeth whitening gel which the dentist gave me costs R100. Therefore the custom fit mouth piece cost R1400. Which seems a bit excessive in my books. I would rather buy a home bleach kit from Clicks. I believe you can get a set for about R150 - WITH a mouth piece which can mold to the shape of your mouth.


I would NOT recommend a take home bleaching kit from the dentist. Save up for in office treatment.

1 comment:

  1. Update: I braved another usage of this, after having used Sensodyne Toothpaste for 2 weeks.

    I used a little less of the product, for only just over an hour. I felt no pain during use, but after removing and rinsing mouth, pain started. And got progressively worse.

    Reminder to self: Never use this again!!

    Although I am sure some people have no problems. Let us know!!

    Teeth don't look any whiter than the last time I used it either.
