Thursday, April 7, 2011

Big, glamorous curls!

OK, so now that I have managed to grow my hair nice and long (I'v come a long way since my days of a shaved head!) I need to find things to actually DO with it! Being a mom, I don't get out much. Lo and behold an opportunity arose and I was so excited to go out and PARTAY with friends, that I decided THIS would be a great time to try a new style.

How do celebs look so glamorous with their big, luscious hair and locks??

They curl it!!

So I used my trusty ol' friend Google to see just how this was done.

Steps: (long story short)

1. Wet hair and separate into sections
2. Roll sections over large rollers, and secure in to place.
3. For best results, sleep with curlers in
4. Wake up refreshed and ready for a great day with big, volumous hair!! (no, that was not actually said!)

I followed steps 1 - 3.

However. Have you ever tried to sleep with eight 3 inch curlers in your hair?!!
This is one of those times where I decided (on my many times of waking with the pin sticking into my scalp) that beauty is pain, and I shall endure.

And endure I did. Excited to see my new hair, excitedly I jumped out of bed to unroll and untangle my hair. Not. I had to pry my lids open and force myself out of bed. Sleep? Bah!!

My curls looked good, but the dark shadows under my eyes did not!

And just to let you know. I did not make it to the party but fell asleep at 7pm!


Do NOT attempt to sleep with extra large curlers in your hair if you wish to make the party! :)

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