Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cabbage Soup Diet

OK, so lets get started with some diet news.

I recently completed the Cabbage Soup Diet. I chose this diet because:

1. It sounded nice (as in yummy) and therefore easy to do.
2. I love the fact that you can eat as much as you like of certain foods daily
3. You are supposed to lose a vast amount of weight fast

How it went:

The actual cabbage soup was really good. For the first 4 days I managed good amounts of it, but after day for I struggled to get any down.

I stuck to the diet, but did not actually lose any weight! Looking at reviews, I see that there are many people who do not actually lose any weight on this diet. Others, however, get very impressive results.


Although I did not lose any weight on this diet, my eating habits have really changed since I have been on it. I am eating far more vegies, and am most surprised by my fruit intake. (I have been making many delicious smoothies. Prior to this diet I would hardly ever eat any fruit.

So basically, I would give it a Thumbs Up.

Time will tell whether my new eating habits will cause me to lose weight.
Either way, am definately feeling much healthier and am enjoying experimenting with healthy cooking :)


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