Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Recipe: Healthy chicken patties / wrap / fold-over

So today I decided to branch out from my (what has now become the norm) meals of stirfried chicken with cabbage and spinach (done in no oil, of course).

This is what I came up with.


chicken mince
grated onions
grated carrots
finely cut spinach
finely cut cabbage
fresh coriander
salt & pepper to taste
ground flaxseeds

*sweet chilli sauce
* raw, unsalted peanuts

I have not added quantities, as I usually just do a hit and miss. If you particularly like spinach, add more. If not, add less. I add flaxseeds where I can as I believe them to be super good for you. Be sure to grind them though, otherwise your body cannot digest the goodness.

I just mixed all the ingredients together in a bowl, then shaped into little patties. Myself, I enjoy food to be close to their natural state, so I did not pre-cook anything. You may choose to pre-cook your onions or other veg here.

You can vary the mixture as you wish. Perhaps a dash of cayenne pepper (I kept mine simple as I want my baby to eat them).

Adding crushed nuts to your mixture would probably work very well, but I chose to keep the calories down, thus avoiding that.

I sprayed my nonstick pan with a thin coating of "weighless cook and spray". Then cook your patties at a low heat until golden brown, and cooked through. This took about ten minutes.

To serve I took a large lettuce leaf, added a dollop of Sweet Chilli Sauce, placed the patties on top. Sprinkled some of the raw peanuts on top (couldn't resist). Fold the lettuce leave over to create a nice little "packet" and voila! Super healthy, low fat, delicious chicken fold-over!

Will add pics soon (my daughter has hidden the card for my camera!)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cabbage Soup Diet

OK, so lets get started with some diet news.

I recently completed the Cabbage Soup Diet. I chose this diet because:

1. It sounded nice (as in yummy) and therefore easy to do.
2. I love the fact that you can eat as much as you like of certain foods daily
3. You are supposed to lose a vast amount of weight fast

How it went:

The actual cabbage soup was really good. For the first 4 days I managed good amounts of it, but after day for I struggled to get any down.

I stuck to the diet, but did not actually lose any weight! Looking at reviews, I see that there are many people who do not actually lose any weight on this diet. Others, however, get very impressive results.


Although I did not lose any weight on this diet, my eating habits have really changed since I have been on it. I am eating far more vegies, and am most surprised by my fruit intake. (I have been making many delicious smoothies. Prior to this diet I would hardly ever eat any fruit.

So basically, I would give it a Thumbs Up.

Time will tell whether my new eating habits will cause me to lose weight.
Either way, am definately feeling much healthier and am enjoying experimenting with healthy cooking :)


Monday, March 7, 2011

Just an ordinary girl

How does one start a blog? I think it is usually done with a bit of an introduction about "me".

I am just an ordinary girl, who doesn't cook, has never been big on "beauty regimes" and am heading towards my thirties. I am now a mom and a wife, and as well as taking an interest in my child's nutrition I am also needing to combat the ever present signs of aging!

Through my trials of many products, I thought it might prove handy to others out there to see what works, what doesn't and how NOT to bake cookies!

Let me just state right now that I am TERRIBLE at following through with things. And this blog will probably be forgotten in no time at all. But when I find something good, or bad, I would love to share it. No matter how few and far between :)